We keep moving. 
Changing houses, streets, cities, countries. 
We are moving and adapting. 
Learning new languages and signs. New roles and whispers. 
We learn to navigate in new lives and love to start from scratch. 
Challenges we tackle with humour. 
An occasional breakdown. 
I never said moving to a foreign country is easy. 
And nobody ever gets used to it. 
Even returning to HQ is a new start,
as we discover the city from within different stages of life.
The moves have given me my scars, and my colors. 
My memories.
My moments.
10 official addresses
in 5 different countries.
The framework of our 20+ years of marriage.
And I wouldn't want it any other way. 

Feedback is welcome via the contact form
(which generates a simple yet much appreciated email into my mailbox). 

Regular updates on instagram @vivackx
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